Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Journal Entry 40: Winter Holiday

Write about all the joys and sorrows you experienced during the festive winter holiday break.

   This winter break, I stayed in Hsinchu the whole time, but I still had lots of fun. The first week of winter break was very, very exhausting for me, because it was filled with basketball games and practices. I had to go to SCHOOL on Monday and Tuesday, and we had the basketball "tournament" on Wednesday to Friday. It was really tiring, but it was definitely not tiring enough, because we still had enough energy to go shopping for hours after the games. On Friday, we had our final game (we lost, but the scores were really close), so Stephanie and I decided to celebrate, and we went and had lunch together and watched the movie: Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. It was a really fast-paced and exciting movie, and I's absolutely recommend it to anyone that hasn't watch that movie yet! My Christmas presents were all quite awesome. I got an eyeliner from "Santa" (is Santa gay!?), a speaker from my dad, a cute T-shirt from my mom, some random beads and a key chain from my sis, a wallet from Steph, a pin and a small pouch from Dubby. I gave my mom earrings, gave my dad a sweater, gave my sis a bottle of nail-polish, gave Stephanie a small bag and gave Dubby a diary (blank, of course).  I also watched a ton of movies this winter break, some very new and some not so recent. I love winter break, but I just wish it was longer, like maybe 2 years longer, ha ha.