Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Journal Entry 62: Spring Break

Write about how you spent your time over Spring Break. Did you do what you wanted to do, or were there things you wanted to do but didn’t get to? Write about how happy you are to be back in school.

I went to Bali the graduation trip and it was AWESOME. We were really crazy there and thankfully there weren't a lot of people their to witness us being so weird and very, very childish. We stayed up until three and it was really, really fun! The first day, we were just playing cards and truth or dare and normal things like that. The following days though, we were singing (he he) and watching quite a lot of scary movies. Ha ha! I enjoy hearing all the guys scream, because their whole facial expressions and the way they jump a mile back is just priceless. We went swimming every single day, and we insulted an Australian guy in Chinese because he was very cocky and thinks we're not as good as he is (which is so not true and simply makes him look even stupider!). We played basketball and soccer there, went snorkeling (it was really beautiful, but someone stepped on the coral reef!!!), SHOPPING, a lot of other really fun things that I can't recall right now! It was really, really, really, fun! I'm not happy about coming back to school AT ALL. NOT HAPPY AT ALL, because school means homework which means no fun time which means parents making me go to bed early. Oh, and I got sick too.

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