Thursday, April 12, 2012

Journal Entry 63: Camp Pictures

Look at the pictures on pages 471 and 476. Choose one and describe what you see. Then write about what you think it would be like to live in that place. Would it be similar to how you live now, or different? Explain.

I chose the picture on page 471. I see a lot of houses on the side a of very broad road in the picture. The houses look very empty and not very big. The houses also have a green roof. The sky is very blue. The place looks really empty though, and it seems as if nothing's happening there at all. It looks like it's deserted and there's one person in the picture. There's also a stop sign in the picture and there are some telephone poles. It is not similar to how I live now at all. I live in a community, you see. Our community is pretty crowded too, there are like around 100 houses in our whole community and three tall buildings or apartments. There are always some people walking around, since our community is quite very big. The place in the picture looks like it's empty and super simple. It seems as if nothing will ever happen there and it looks like a pretty awfully boring place to live in. I bet there are no computers or any electronic devices (except for telephone, maybe, since there are telephone poles after all) and there are no cars at all! I cannot believe that. In my community, there are always cars driving around and parked along the roads or something. It's really weird, but the good thing is that I think the people living in the picture don't have to go to school! Because who would bother about school if they live in that kind of place? So, that's pretty awesome! I also think it'll probably be really inconvenient living there, because there are no cars and there aren't much stores around the place. In our community, there's a convenient store just next to our community and lots of other stuff near. So the place is the picture is VERY different from the place I live.

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