Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Journal Entry 68: My Style

A person’s style is the way he or she thinks about him or herself, as well as how he/she presents him/herself to the world. Describe your personal style. How do you dress, walk, talk, act, and think? Are you energetic? Lazy? Fashionable? Neat and tidy, or sloppy? What music do you like? Are you cool or a nerd?

I'm not exactly sure if I have a style or not. I think I'm more of the casual and whatever kind of person. I dress casually too, but not sloppily. Just simple jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers on, and sometimes sporty stuff for PE or basketball practice. I don't really know how I walk or talk or act, maybe just like any other normal fourteen year old girl. I'm pretty energetic and I always work hard... to get things I really, really want. Since we're still in eighth grade, I figured there's no need to be fashionable yet, so, nope, I'm not fashionable. I'm pretty neat at school, but, oh, you should see my room. My mom said it's the messiest place in out whole house, but I think maybe all teens have rooms like mine (I do not think it needs any tidying up, mom). As for music, I basically like any music that sounds nice. I like those with melody and then rap and then melody, those are usually quite good. I also like really cute songs and basically every type of song depending on my mood. I don't really think I'm a nerd (at least I hope not), because I do not study a lot (don't tell my parents :P), so, yeah, I don't think I'm a nerd. Not am I a jock, because I'm not stupid (people say jocks are generally not smart and gets low grades).

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, i like your style,
    it's really simple but it's cool at the same time
    (This is a Compliment :D )
    I think your room is really neat, mine is probably the worst.
    I have like bunch of weird stuffs on the ground, on the desk, and especially the drawers and shelves, full of bunch of useless stuff.
