Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal Entry 1: Introduction to Me

For your first journal entry, tell the world who you are. Describe your appearance (what do you look like?), your history, your family, what you like to do (or don't like to do), where you have gone, where you want to go, and so on. Also write about why you are writing in this blog and what you think and feel about it. Do you like writing in a blog? Hate it? Don't care about it? Let the world know about you and your blog!

  I was born in Taipei on April 27th, 1998. I don't have any older siblings, so the first five years of my life was really lonely. I asked my mother if I could have a sister or brother, and when I did have one, I kind of regret it. My sister is Vanessa, and even though she's cute and looks like a sweet little girl, she's very annoying sometimes. 

  I love sports, it keeps you fit and healthy, and my favorite sport is swimming. I really love swimming! I started swimming when I was in fourth grade (a little late, I know), and after i mastered backstroke, I had my first swimming competition. After my first competition, I practiced harder and harder, I really love swimming and competing. I also love shopping and reading, and I hate staying up late.

  I actually like writing in a blog, but I guess most girls do. I like blogging and sharing my thoughts and feelings with everyone, and I don't like keeping happiness, hatred, and all those feelings locked inside my chest (I'll probably explode or something). Even though I do like blogging, I normally blog when I have time and also when I feel like it. So, I guess I don't really like the idea of blogging for homework, I just like blogging when I feel like it!


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