Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Journal Entry 5: Advice

Identify a problem that Alfonso has in the story and pretend that you are him. Write a letter to an advice column explaining the problem and asking for help. Then, go to at least one classmate’s blog and write a response to his/her letter giving advice on how to handle the problem.

Dear Whoever Is Reading,
I'm Sandra, and I have a huge problem. There's this guy who helped my brother to get down from barbed wires that he got stuck on. I am really thankful for that, but I don't like him. He is now trying to ask me out and I don't know whether or not should I reject him, plus, he's so poor! I really don't like poor people, and if he keeps on trying to make me like him, I might HATE him. I want to reject him, but I really owe him a favor... I don't know what to do! Should I just tell him, or just repay him by pretending to like him back? HELP!!!! I don't know what to do!!!



  1. Dear Sandra,
    I think you can pretending that you like him as friend. If you reject him, I think he'll cry or something like that. Be his friend, but you don't need to talk A LOT with him. I think it's the best way to do. Good luck SANDRA X )

  2. If you are thankful, you could do him some favor to pay him back. But if you really hate him, you can stay away from him or ask him to leave you.
