Thursday, September 15, 2011

Journal Entry 3: Popular or Intelligent?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of popularity? Of intelligence?
What sacrifices do people make to fit in?
What is good or bad about being unusual?

Do you feel like you fit in, or are you an outsider?
Which would you rather be, the smartest kid in school, or the most popular? What about the most athletic? Best looking?

  Everyone wants to be popular, but even popularity has its disadvantages. People adore you and are always eager to help you or impress you, and you'll always be under the one that everyone notices and envies. Being noticeable can be a great thing, but it can also be a very bad thing. You won't be able to do what you really like, act like yourself, and not be influenced by others. People will always be staring at you, and when you do something wrong, they're going to look down at you and you'll be in a worse situation than the "nerds" and "freaks".
   Many people are willing to sacrifice a lot of things in order to fit-in. Some give up their freedom to be whoever they were and being gossip-free. Others are willing to be mean and nasty (giving up their kindness), destroy the respect they've earned from others (like their parents'), and destroy their friendship (by giving up their true friend for the popular people).
  Sometimes, being unusual can make you popular (like being unusually pretty), but it can also make you the victim of all the bullies (like being weird and nerdy). In our school, however, no one can really feel like they don't fit-in, because there are only12 people in our class, it's like each one of us represents a different kind of "group" (like the jocks, the in-crowds, the nerds...) in normal middle schools. So I don't think I really count as an outsider in our class, nor do I think I'm popular (everyone is!)
  I think I'd rather be smart and athletic, because being smart definitely looks good on your report card and it usually takes you to a very good college (which leads to good job and money and so on...), and being athletic means that your healthy and being healthy is very important (I wouldn't want to be pretty but dead), plus most of the time, being athletic makes you popular and healthy people are mostly pretty!

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