Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Journal Entry 2: Teen Feelings

  I think most teenagers are very self-conscious and they want to fit-in, just like me. I personally think I do fit-in pretty well, considering that we only have 13 people in our class. Teenagers hate it when they aren't accepted and often times care too much about what others think of them, and I think it's actually very reasonable because teens really care about how they look, if they are cool enough and so on. Sometimes we care too much that when you think it through, it's actually kind of ridiculous. I think teens sometimes give themselves too much pressure and wear themselves out. Even though some pressure is essential for a kid to grow up, I still think too much pressure can lead to something very bad, like suicide. So, I think teenagers should stop caring so much about what others think of them and try to just be themselves, and I'll also be working on that ;)! Sometimes, people can be a little mean when they don't approve of the way someone dress or acts, they can be a little mean. I think that before they start talking about others behind their backs, they should consider that: everyone has their own rights to be themselves, they don't need to please you.

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