Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal Entry 20: The Influence of Setting

How can setting influence the events (or the plot) of a story? What effect can setting have on the conflict, or complications? Think about stories you have read or heard (true or fictional), and look for ways that the setting played a role. What about your setting? Describe the setting where your own “story” takes place. How does your setting affect the “plot” of your life?

The setting can influence a story in lots of ways. The setting can influence the story's plot and outcome and ending and even the conflict! For example, if the story was set a long time ago in an unknown place, wild things that may not happen in the real world might happen in the story, because then, who could prove the author wrong? Also if it's set in the future and is far far away, no one can prove the author wrong either. The setting can totally affect the conflict, because if the setting was in a desert or at North Pole, then the character will have to fight to stay alive and either try to not freeze to death, or find water and food.  My setting takes place in the 21st Century and in Taiwan. My life setting affects my life because if I was born a long, long time ago, and in a land far, far away, I probably won't need to go to school and I might be a princess! ;) If my setting was in the future, who knows what might be different? And, if I wasn't born in Taiwan, and was born in Africa or somewhere poor, I wouldn't be living the life I'm living right now.

1 comment:

  1. Janet:

    Simply copying the writing prompt does not count as a journal entry. You cannot have credit for this post.

    -M. McCool
