Thursday, November 24, 2011

Journal Entry 30: Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for?

Today is Thanksgiving, it's the day people think about things they should be thankful of, be happy for what they have and how the Indians helped the Americans survive. Actually, people should always be thankful no matter what day it is, because we should all appreciate everything that we have right now, after all, life is short, right? I'm thankful that my family is not very poor and they care for me, even though they are sometimes a little annoying (no offence, Sis!) and likes to yell too much (Mom, Dad, it's true...). If I was born in a poorer family, I might not be able to go to PAS and attend a good college in the future, and I might not have money to spend on learning this and that and shopping (ahhh, that's torture!). I'm also thankful to the person that invented holidays and weekends. Or else, I guess I'd be dead because of all the days I have to go to school  and all the homework I'll have to ride! I'm also thankful that I'm born in the 21st century, because if I wasn't, then I probably can't go to school and I might not have as much freedom as I have now. Not to mention I probably wouldn't have internet and Skype and Facebook and Youtube and... Anyways, I'm very thankful for many, many things, and I will try to appreciate all the things I have.

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