Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Journal Entry 23: Game Conflict

For a story to be interesting, it has to have a conflict. The same is true for a game. The players have to have some kind of goal, and it has to be difficult to achieve. For example, in basketball the player has to throw the ball through the hoop. There also need to be complications to make it even more interesting. In basketball complications include not being able to carry the ball and run with it, as well as having other players trying to stop you. For this journal entry, write about the conflict that your game will have. What is the goal? What makes it difficult for the player to achieve the goal? What complications are there?

In my game, the player is supposedly forced underwater to find a treasure for the pirates. He/She is supposed to find a very rare pearl and as soon as the player finds it, they win. The faster they find it, the higher their score will be. They must also finish their task under a limited amount of time, or else they'll run out of air and suffocate to death. There are also monsters all around and by battling them, the player loses air. The whole place is maze-like and it's easy to get lost, but there are shortcuts and portals everywhere. There are also bombs scattered around the place and if u touch them, it's game over. The player can also gain some are, which is also some time, by catching bubbles. Players can also find a few special food in places full of monsters and obstacles. There is the freezing potion which stops the time, the monster killer which gets rid of a monster for you without wasting your energy, life savers which gives you an extra life, and the speed booster which can help you move faster so you can finish your task on time.

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