Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal Entry 32: Modern Technology

New technology changes the way people live. At the start of the twentieth century, most people had no cars, no electricity, and no telephones. Most people didn’t even have indoor toilets or running water. If someone had predicted an invention like the World Wide Web, people would have laughed. No one at that time could have imagined the way we live today. Write down your ideas about what life might be like a hundred years from now. How do you think new technology will affect our lives?

I think life will be either extremely advanced a hundred years from now or we might go back to the start and live in caves. It really depends on whether we will make the Earth's temperature go higher and higher until the whole Earth is flooded and humans extinct (ha!) or we might find a way to stop global warming and save the Earth. If we can't find anyway to avoid destroying ourselves, maybe (hopefully) we'd appear again on Earth and we will then have to restart everything again. If we manage to save the Earth, then we might be super advanced and I bet kids like me won't have to go to school anymore! We might just have to eat something or drink something, then all the knowledge we need will be in our brains already. We might not even have to move at all and we can just use our minds to control things instead of having to move (we'll become quite fat, I suppose...). We might have robots that helps us do everything and computers that solves all our problems and do everything for us! I think new technology makes us lazier (most of the time) and makes life easier.

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