Thursday, December 15, 2011

Journal Entry 38: Mars

What do you know about Mars? How is Mars different from Earth? How is it the same? Why do people want to go to Mars? What reasons do they have? Do you think people will ever get there? If so, how long do you think it will be before they do? If you don’t think people will ever go to Mars, explain why not. Would you want to go to Mars or any other planet? Why or why not?

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system, and it is red. Both Mars and Earth are planets and. Mars, unlike Earth, is small and rocky, and it is a lifeless planet. Mars also have two moons, while Earth only has one. I think people want to go to Mars because Earth will soon be destroyed by human if we continue wasting Earth's resources and destroying the nature. They must think that since Earth is going to be destroyed, then why not find another planet to live in, but I think that is very selfish too. Because, how can we just destroy Earth and then desert it to find another planet, and what about all the other animals? They weren't the ones that were destroying Earth! According to NASA though, living on Mars in the future is definitely possible. "NASA's Mars program is focused on that very issue. Finding ways to get humans to Mars, and then keeping them alive once they arrive. Whether or not humans will live long term on Mars is hard to say, but it appears very likely that we will at least visit." I definitely would want to go visit other planets myself, but I don't want to be be the first (no way!). I think it would be cool to see for myself if aliens really do exist, and to see what other planets are really like.

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