Friday, December 16, 2011

Journal Entry 39: Christmas Holiday

What do you think about Christmas? Is it a religious holiday, or a commercial tradition? Does your family celebrate Christmas? If so, how do you celebrate it? Do you think the way you celebrate it is traditional? If you don’t celebrate it, why not? Explain your thoughts.

I think Christmas is all about a lie to make all the kids behave (ha ha), but it's also about families getting together and parents spending their money to buy their children presents (which is awesome, of course). I think Christmas is both a religious holiday and a commercial tradition, it just depends on if you're a christian or not. To my family, Christmas is very important, even though it's not seen as a religious holiday. We celebrate Christmas every year and even my mom and dad gets presents from "Santa". In our family, we usually just get our presents in the morning both under the Christmas tree and also in the socks in out bedroom. We always go on vacation and also have an awesome dinner on Christmas eve. I don't really think the way my family celebrate Christmas is absolutely traditional, because we don't leave cookies and milk for Santa, and we don't have snow in Taiwan, plus, we don't have chimneys in our house. I love Christmas, because I know I don't have to tell Santa what I want, I just have to tell my parents what I want and I'll probably get it (well, I have to be nice first).

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