Friday, December 9, 2011

Journal Entry 36: Writing is Difficult

“Writing is supposed to be difficult, agonizing, a dreadful exercise, a terrible occupation.”
What do you think about this statement by Ray Bradbury (author of “There Will Come Soft Rains”)? If writing is so terrible, why would he choose it as his career? How do you feel about writing? Would you do it as a career? What else might seem difficult, but people choose to do it anyway?

I think this statement by Ray Bradbury is totally true and I agree with him wholeheartedly. Writing is very hard, but it's just something teachers make us do all the time to watch us suffer. Although sometimes when I'm writing about things I like, I'd actually enjoy writing (but that doesn't happen very often). Ray Bradbury might have chosen writing as his career because his parents and friends told him he is good at it and should choose it as his career or maybe he wants to challenge himself and likes the feeling of overcoming his challenge. Or maybe he just likes torturing himself. I personally think writing is okay, not great but not too horrible either. I like writing things that don't need to be researched and can be written in a short time. Even though I don't hate writing, I don't really think I will ever choose writing as a career, because according to my mom, writers have to be really good in order to earn money, and if they're just so-so, then they're likely to starve. Since I don't think of myself as an excellent writer, I'll probably starve to death if I choose to be a writer. Some jobs like cleaning ladies and janitors are also hard and boring jobs (I think that's actually worse than writing), but people do it anyways because they have no other choice. So my advice is to get a good education so that you can choose a career you actually like in the future, and not end up being a cleaning lady/guy.

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