Friday, December 2, 2011

Journal Entry 33: My Invention

Ray Bradbury’s story “There Will Come Soft Rains” is full of imaginary inventions of the future designed to save labor and make life more convenient for humans. Think of something that you have to do on a regular basis (chores, homework, carrying books, etc) that you would like to make easier and more convenient. Then design an invention that would help you do the work, or even do the work for you. Describe it in detail: what is it made of? What does it look like? What are its functions? How do you use it? What warnings go along with it?

 My invention is made for the people who are imaginative and lazy. It's called the "Everything and Anything Machine" or the "Appear Outta Your Mind Machine". You simply think of the object you want then out comes your object. It is basically a little box that comes in all different sizes and shapes (the larger the cheaper, just like computers), and it's easy to carry. The box may look small, but if you but your hands in it, you can't feel the edges. It is a huge, huge box (no limits... you can stuff the whole Earth in there) that looks very small and is very light. The box comes with an earphone that's attached to the box, and it's for receiving your thoughts. It also comes with a little scanner (the kind you see at stores, but a lot smaller) that can scan pictures and sketches of what you want it to give you. The Everything and Anything Machine can't produce living things though, and producing living things seems very immoral and abnormal anyways. If your thoughts and pictures aren't clear enough, then you might find some very weird things in the box (good thing it can't be alive:)... ), so you must be very careful. You can also ask for answers if you think or scan a question, but it works best on answers that only has one answer (like math questions).

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