Thursday, February 9, 2012

Journal Entry 42: Ode

An ode is a lyrical verse written in praise of, or dedicated to someone or something which captures the poet's interest or serves as an inspiration for the ode. You can write an ode to just about anything: your mother, happiness, toast, or a pair of old socks. Think about what you might want to write an ode about. Write down everything that you can think of about your topic. Try to come up with strong descriptive words that make clear images (colors, shapes, smells, tastes, sounds, and emotions). Don’t worry about writing complete sentences or paragraphs, just let the ideas flow out of you.

I think I'd like to write an ode to my mom. I'd talk about how she yells at me and my sister, and how mad she gets when we don't get a perfect score, or when we make careless mistakes. How she can change within a matter of seconds. Like one second, she'd be screaming the her head off, then, when a phone rings, she'd be like, "Hey! Yeah! Uh-huh! Ahh, can't wait. Cool... nice... See ya then!" And she can also not talk to me for a whole day, then the next day, she acts like nothing's happened. She's truly a fashion expert though. I seriously have no idea how can she be so fashion-forward (well in the casual style, not like a fashion diva kind), and sometimes, I think her fashion sense might even be better than mine! And, aren't teenagers supposed to be better at fashion and stuff instead of parents? But my mom can actually be quite nice, and even though her scolding is very annoying, I have to admit that it has helped me a lot. Without her yelling and "correcting", I would've been a really stupid kid who know nothing now (I think), so I'm actually very thankful that she yells at me a lot. So, I'd probably start of my ode being all sarcastic and funny, but then it would become serious and nice and thankful and stuff. So, I think that's be  a nice ode. A bit funny and a bit heart-warming (ha-ha).

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