Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Journal Entry 44: My List

Think of something you can make a list of. Then write at least ten things that can go on your list, but don’t write the title of the list. Go to at least two of your classmates’ blogs and try to guess the title of their lists. Write your guess as a comment on their blog.
  1. Chocolate (cakes, especially)
  2. McDonald
  3. Reading fiction while writing (not really) homework
  4. Checking Facebook
  5. Chatting on Skype
  6. Gossip magazines (online too)
  7. TV shows (online... so that means a LOT of episodes)
  8. Snacks a few minutes before bed (not good for you... not at all)
  9. Shopping.
  10. Wake up at 12 on weekends (rarely happens, though, sadly...)
  11. Going back to sleep after my alarm goes off (on schooldays too :P)
  12. SUPER-long showers
  13. Buying things I don't need. :)


  1. Umm... I think the title is... "THE THING I DO ON WEEKEND"~ right?????? ;)

  2. Not EVERYTHING. Ha, that would've been too much to write in just one list (jkjk) XD

  3. Is your list about things you like to do???

  4. I think this list is about the things that you like to do/eat??

  5. Is it things you shouldn't do but still do anyways?
