Friday, February 17, 2012

Journal Entry 46: Acrostic

Today you will write an acrostic poem. Start by writing the letters of your first and last name down the left margin of your paper. Then use those letters to start short sentences or phrases about yourself. When you finish the poem about yourself, write another one about someone else using the same form. Choose anyone you want, real or fictional.

Just simply awesome.
Absolutely the best student ever!
Never mean to her friends :)
Energetic when she's not tired.
Talkative in Algebra because she thinks it's very boring.

Likes to watch movies and shopping.
Impossible to be mad at, because she is just so awesome.
Near-sighted, but wears contact lenses (at night).

Just simply gay.
Unbelievably, he has a LOT of fans.
Seventh place for the "most popular female on Earth"
"Terrible singer, he is," people say.
I don't think he's that bad.
Not his fan though, even though he's not that bad.

Beliebers follow him around everywhere.
Is dating Selena Gomez now.
Entertains people.
Believed to be gay by a lot of people.
Exactly the kind of guy a lot of people hate/love.
Really annoying sometimes, because I DON'T WANT TO HEAR HIS SONG ON MY RADIO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Janet,

    Great job on your blog recently. Keep up the good work!

    -M McCool
