Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Journal Entry 53: Triolet

Triolet, is one of the fixed forms of verse invented in medieval France, and has been preserved in the practice of many modern literatures. It consists of eight short lines on two rhymes, arranged a b a a a b a b. The first line reappears as the fourth line, and the seventh and eighth lines repeat the opening couplet; the first line, therefore, is repeated three times, and hence the name. Although originally a serious poetic style, triolets are now generally short, humorous poems.
Line 1 and 2 make an observation
Line 3 rhymes with line A
Line 4 is line 1 repeated
In the second stanza line 5 and 6 involve a twist, change of view, or add another idea.
Line 5 rhymes with line A
Line 6 rhymes with line B
Line 7 repeats line A
Line 8 repeats line B

PE (btw, this is not serious, I personally love PE)
After PE, especially when it's hot,
everyone smells extremely unpleasant.
But some even smell like rot,
after PE, especially when it's hot.

Combined with the injuries we got,
PE is just like an unwanted present.
After PE, especially when it's hot,
everyone smells extremely unpleasant.

Prince Charming is who every girl seek,
and to have a happily ever after with.
A guy that buys us roses every week,
Prince Charming is who every girl seek.

But all the guys we know are too meek.
Perhaps Prince Charming's just a myth.
Prince Charming is who every girl seek,
and to have a happily ever after with.

... not. LOL (Just kidding. No offense to every single guy I've ever known!)

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