Saturday, March 17, 2012

Journal Entry 58: Lucky?

In Hatchet, Brian says that his survival is dependent on luck more than anything else. Do you think this is true? How much does Brian’s past experience and knowledge also play a part? Does he develop new knowledge that helps him survive? What about your own experience? Have you ever gotten out of a difficult situation simply by luck?

I think some events in that happened to Brian do depend on luck, but his past experiences and knowledge play the most part. Some events, like being able to spot a lake and land on it, instead of having to land among trees (and possibly get killed instead of that). Truthfully, though, a lot of things that happened to Brian is because of bad luck. Like getting on a plane driven by a pilot that gets a heart attack, unable to get connection from the radio (on the plane), and also being attacked by the moose, then not being spotted and left behind by a plane. Although he was pretty unlucky, he is kind of lucky too, because he was able to find shelter in the "cave" and also crash when it's not in the winter, or else he might have just freeze to death. His past experiences and knowledge definitely did play a part, in fact, it played the most part. Him recognizing the turtles' eggs helped him gain more food, and also his past experiences of what is needed to make a fire. Brian does develop new knowledge that helped him survive, like being more aware of things around him and also some things that indicate what might happen (if the skies are scattered...). I have gotten out of situations that aren't too difficult by luck before. Well, last time I had a swimming class, I was very, very tired after swimming about 2000 meters, but the coach was making us do sprints and relay. Luckily, I didn't have to finish it because I cramped my calf during the sprint. Honestly, I'd call getting a cramp bad luck, but it kind of is good luck as well, because at least I got to sit by the swimming pool and watch my classmates getting tortured!

Ha ha, I'm evil.

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