Sunday, October 9, 2011

Journal Entry 10: For the Sake of Freedom

What does the word freedom mean to you? In your own life, how free do you think you are? If you have ever felt that your freedom was taken away, what were the circumstances and what did you do about it? What have people over the centuries endured for the sake of freedom? What have people endured because their freedom was taken away? What would you be willing to do to protect your freedom?

  To me, freedom means the right to do and say whatever you want (as long as it's legal, of course). In my own life, I think I just have a little freedom. I can say what I want, but no swearing or any insulting words anywhere, and no Chinese at school. I can't really do whatever I want, in fact there are lot and LOTS of things that are legal, but I'm not allowed to do. If I had my freedom taken away, I think I'd just complain about it and act like a little brat about it, but I don't really think I'd do much about it. I think my mom did take away my iPod once, and I just used my mp3 instead, and she never knew (shh!), so problem solved! People over the centuries have protested, rebelled, fought, and even died for the sake of freedom. Some people just waits for others to help and save them when their freedom is taken away from them, but there are also others that are willing to fight and to sacrifice anything in order to get their freedom back. I think I would be the kind of person that would fight to get my freedom back. I'll do anything that's necessary (as long as it doesn't includes risking my or my family's life) to get my freedom back. I think freedom is very important and no one has the right to take anyone's freedom away (as long as the other person didn't do anything illegal).

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