Friday, October 21, 2011

Journal Entry 16: What is a hero?

What is a hero? Describe the characteristics that make a person a hero. Try to think of several people (fictional or real) that are considered heroes and describe them. What do they have in common? Do you know anyone personally that you would consider a hero? Do you think you could be a hero? Explain.

A hero is someone that always does the right thing or sacrifices themselves for people, even the people they don't know. Heroes also fights monsters and save innocent people. Some of the girly and childish heroes I know of are probably: Powerpuff Girls and Kim Possible. Also the guy from transformers and X-men and Superman! They all have super power, Powerpuff Girls were a mistake at first, but they can fly, Kim Possible can transform into a super spy (i think so), and all the transformers can transform into different machines and X-Men are mutants and all have different super powers, and Superman... well, everyone knows superman. He's SUPERMAN. They also all sacrifices their own safety to fight against the evil and they all like to save the innocents from the big bad guy. I think I don't really know anyone that is a complete hero, because I don't know anyone that has super powers. Maybe, my teachers, because they can control the time I go to bed by the amount of homework they give me, and they give me lots of homework and tests to "help" me be smarter. Also, maybe my parents, because they support me (sometimes) and help me trough tough times. They also yell at me and make me a better person by telling me what I'm doing wrong and correcting my mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Janet:

    Simply copying the writing prompt does not count as a journal entry. You cannot have credit for this post.

    -M. McCool
