Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Journal Entry 14: Why Risk Your Life?

Why might someone like Harriet Tubman, who was already free, risk her life to lead other people to freedom? What could she hope to gain from this? Have you ever taken a risk when you had a lot to lose but little to gain for yourself? If so, describe the circumstance. If not, why do you think you have not? Do you think you ever would take a big risk just to help someone else? Under what circumstances might you do so?

Harriet Tubman probably wanted to let others enjoy freedom too, like her, and thought that it's unfair and felt guilty that she gets to taste the sweetness of freedom, but others don't. She probably just hopes to end the slavery and see everyone being treated equally and be proud of what she has done. I don't think I've ever take any risks when I had more to lose than how much I gain. Probably studying, because I have to waste my time just to get a good grade when I could be watching a movie or something (just kidding). I haven't risked too much, because I don't think there's really anything worth risking when I don't have much to gain, because then, what's the point of risking anything!? I think I will probably take a big risk to help someone I know, but not someone I don't know (only if they're dying or something).

1 comment:

  1. This is much too short. The minimum required length for journal entries is 200 words. If you do not write at least that many words, you cannot receive full credit. This will negatively impact your grade.


    M. McCool
