Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journal Entry 11: More Freedom

Describe all the things you get to do because you live in a free society. Then describe all the things you don't get to do because the society isn't really all that free.

I can wear whatever I want, I do what I want and I can say what I want. I can't smoke or drink alcohol or vote though, because I'm under 18. And, even though the law doesn't say that teenagers are forbidden to swear, I still can't swear. I can't really wear whatever I like (like flip-flops) to school, even though the law doesn't say I can't. Even though this is a free society, I'm not all that free at all. The already made my life not so free, because people can't kill, steal, and many other things. But, for teenagers like me, the law isn't the only thing that takes away a lot of my freedom. School, for one thing, is something that takes away my freedom. I can't wear whatever I like to school, can't swear, can't ditch, and can't even speak Chinese. Another MAJOR reason I'm not really all that free is my parents. They make me go to school, do choirs, take classes, tutor my sister, and many MANY other things. So, honestly, I'm not all that free. THIS IS NOT A FREE SOCIETY!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is much too short. The minimum required length for journal entries is 200 words. If you do not write at least that many words, you cannot receive full credit. This will negatively impact your grade.


    M. McCool
