Friday, October 14, 2011

Journal Entry 12: To Be A Slave

Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning and find that you and your family have been captured and sold into slavery. You are separated from your family and sent to a distant country where everyone who looks like you is a slave. Even if you escape, you are easily identified as a runaway. The only chance for freedom is to travel thousands of miles to the nearest neighboring country, but to do so you have to go on foot. You don’t even know the way. If you are caught, you will be killed in a terrible way as a warning to other slaves. Then one day someone comes to you and offers to be your guide in escaping. All the dangers are still there, but this person knows the way. Write a short story about what decision you will make and why, as well as what happens after you make your decision.

  "Wake up! You worthless pieces of trash!" a voice said. Huh? I thought to myself. Am I still dreaming? What's wrong with my alarm clock, or is this some kind of joke? I opened my eyes and found myself in some kind of humid, dark, and dirty room, and I was sleeping on the floor with a bunch of other dirty looking people ! What the...? Am I still dreaming?

  "Hey, kid. You wanna get whipped or something? Get movin'!" a tall middle-aged and mean-looking guy yelled at me, and I realized that he was the one that called me and the people around me "worthless pieces of trash". I stood up and followed his orders, all the while thinking to myself, this is obviously just another one of my crazy dreams, I probably wake up soon.

  After a few days of the same orders everyday (they don't even give us decent food!), I found out that I was captured and I also realized that the ones who captured me has taken me to another planet and they've put tracking devices into all of us who have been captured. They were very mean and worked us until we're worn out. I really hate them, but there are really no way to escape, since they've planted some kind of tracking device into our forearms.

  One day, while I was working, another slave said to me, "hey, kid, wanna get outta here?"
  "Of course! You think I'm crazy?"
  "Well, lemme tell ya something. The tracking device you've heard of, it's total BS, and if you wanna get outta here, you better follow me." he said it with a wink and an evil little smile.

  I didn't trust him at all, so I told on him. The next day, my so called "boss" promoted me, because he thought I was loyal, and I then started enjoying a way more luxurious life than the one I had on Earth. So I never went back and I really love it there.

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