Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journal Entry 8: After the End?

At end of “The Landlady,” we don't really know what happens to Billy (but we can make a good guess). What do you think happens just after the story ends? Does Billy realize the danger he faces? If he does, is it too late, or does he escape? Write your own ending to the story that describes Billy's (and the landlady's) fate.
   "Thank you, the tea was quite nice," Billy said, " but can you please show me where the two other gentlemen who, from what you told me, are still living here?"
   "I would love to," she said, "but unfortunately, they told me they don't want to be disturbed. I'm so sorry." She smiled apologetically, and stared at Billy with a weird glint of malice and hunger in her eyes.
   "Thank you so much. Well, I'm going to go to bed now, good night!" Billy said in a shaking voice. This woman is definitely a murderer of some kind! Did she murder the previous guests, because she must have! I must tell someone about this, Billy thought to himself.
   Billy went upstairs and tried to find a phone in his room, and he found one on his nightstand. He dialed 911 again and again, but he can't here anything on the other side. This phone must be fake, he thought to himself. He decided to look for the other two guys that were here before him and were supposedly mummified. He went to the third floor and found a dust and old looking door and peeked inside. "Those are the two guys!" he whispered to himself.
  "Hello, My dear, couldn't sleep either?" a creepy voice said from behind him.
  "Ah!" Billed yelled, " No, no, no... I was... yeah, I couldn't sleep either, so I just took a walk."
  "You think I'm stupid?" the landlady said with a sweet and poisonous smile, "well, let me give you something that'll help you sleep."
  She stabbed a needle into his arm, and the last thing Billy felt was a second of pain and peacefulness, and he fell asleep.
  And he never woke up.

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