Sunday, October 9, 2011

Journal Entry 9: If You Were Billy

  Imagine that you are Billy. What do you think you would have done differently when you arrived in Bath? Would you rather stay at the pub, or the bed and breakfast? Why? Consider that you don't know anything about the landlady and her unusual habits. Do you think you would have suspected her? If so, at what point do you think you would have become suspicious? Do you think you would have escaped, or would you have joined her "permanent" guests?

  If I were Billy, I'd probably have already researched all the hotels in Bath, because I like to be prepared. I wouldn't have went to the hotel I was going to stay by walking, since according to the text, it was a very cold and windy night. I would've called a taxi or something. Even if I did walk to the hotel I was going to stay in, and saw the sign saying "Bed and Breakfast", I wouldn't have gone inside. I don't really like to go to places I've never heard of or never have been recommended to go to, and I don't trust cheap places or cheap things, because their qualities are usually not so great (like things mad in China, no offense). So, I never would've join the landlady's "permanent guests, because I'm just too smart to fall for her stupid trick! Billy should've noticed earlier that the landlady is weird and not right in her mind. he actually did, but too bad he dismissed the thought. And in the end I hope he realizes soon, and call the police and have the landlady arrested and try to find an antidote for himself. He is so stupid! He shouldn't have drank that tea. It's obviously poisoned. Stupid Billy, I wouldn't trust anything before I've checked it out on the internet or something.

1 comment:

  1. Janet:

    This is much too short. The minimum required length for journal entries is 200 words. If you do not write at least that many words, you cannot receive full credit. This will negatively impact your grade.


    M. McCool
