Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Journal Entry 7: Three Pigs

Retelling is an important reading skill. It helps you to communicate clearly to others, as well as to understand a story better for yourself. To practice re-telling, think of the story of the three little pigs. You’ve probably heard or seen different versions, but the main parts are almost always the same. Try retelling the story of the big, bad wolf and the three little pigs in your own words. It is okay to change the details, but make sure that the most important parts conform to the original story (you can change the ending if you like).

  Once upon a time, there were three little pigs, and they were all about to graduate from high school. Their dad told them, "Hey, kids! Since you are now all grown up, why don't you guys each build a house of your own?" The three little pigs then went and each built their own houses. Pig 1 built his house out of straws, pig 2 built his house out of straws, and pig 3 built his house out of bricks. While the three little pigs were building, the wolf was watching them hungrily. He thought to himself, "This time, instead of being all rude and eating them right away, I'll act nicer and blow down their houses first."

  When the pigs finished building their houses, the wolf went to Pig 1's house. He said, "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"
  "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." said Pig 1. But of course the wolf blew down Pig 1's house and ate him.

  "Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in," the wolf said.
  "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin," said pig 2. But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig.

  The wolf then came to the house of bricks. " Let me in , let me in," cried the wolf, "or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in" 
  "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" said Pig 3. The wolf huffed and puffed but couldn't blow Pig 3's house in. So, he climbed down the chimney of Pig 3's house, hoping to get inside his house that way, but he didn't know Pig 3 already has a pot of boiling hot water waiting for the wolf there. He fell into the pot and Pig 3 just found himself some free dinner.

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