Friday, May 25, 2012

Journal Entry 82: My Last Journal Entry

This is the last entry you will make for this class this year. Take a moment to reflect on the journal writing you have done. Do you think it has been helpful to you? Why or why not? How does it make you feel to look back on your blog and see all the things you have written about?

I think journal writing has been quite helpful to me, because I get to practice my writing skills without having to care about grammar or spelling or how formal I must write. I've always liked to write things down, especially memorable things. Sometimes, when I'm really mad, I can write a very deep essay and when I go back to read it, I'd be like, "OMG, did I really write that myself?!" I also record significant events that happens in my little notebook or on random scrap paper if I have time. I always laugh when I go back and read them, but I'd miss the old days and how free and pressure-free I was. This journal thing we've been doing all year is just like the writing on random paper thing I do, but just more organized and frequent. Looking back on my blog and seeing all the things I've written makes me see how I've improved, somewhat. And it also makes me feel a little sad. It just reminds me of how grade eight is soon going to end, and I seriously don't want that. What if we're not ready to face high school yet? And, in high school, things will be a lot more complicated and we will have a lot more homework and tests too. What if all of us get separated into little cliques? Because that does happen in high school. Anyways, I really like this journal thing we've been doing for this whole grade, and honestly, I think my journals are sounding more and more like talking (just like in my diaries, or scrap papers), instead of essays. I think when I read this blog in the future, I'd think what was wrong with me, and then miss eighth grade terribly. :'(

Journal Entry 81: In Defense of My Treasure

In Walter Dean Myers’s story “The Treasure of Lemon Brown,” Lemon Brown risks his life to defend a few items that would be of no value to anyone else. Why do you think he did that? What would you do to protect your treasure? Is there some point at which you would surrender your treasure? What point would that be?

I think Lemon Brown risked his own life to protect items that would be no value to anyone else because those items means even more than his life to him. Even though some people may not understand how such items that seem so insignificant can mean so much to the old man, it means the world to him. I think it also reminds him of his own son who died in the war. His son really meant a lot to him, and he loved him very much, maybe even more than he loved his life. That's why he would protect it with his life. Me, on the other hand, will do ANYTHING to protect my treasure. Because, like I said in my last journal entry, my treasure is my life, and I don't have enything to live for once I lose it... since I can't live without it, literally. I believe there might be some point at which I might surrender my treasure, and that must be when the whole world is meaningless and all my loved ones died or something like that. But, hopefully, that won't happen anytime soon. I think sometimes life may seem really hard and some people think about ending it themselves, but if we just get through it, things will always be better. So, I will not give my my treasure, life, easily. If I MUST lose it, I'd go down FIGHTING for it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Journal Entry 80: My Treasure

Almost everyone has something that he or she treasures. For some it is gold, jewels, or money, but for most people their special treasure only has value to them. Think about what you value most and describe your treasure. Is it an object? An experience? A relationship? What makes it valuable to you?

I am not quite sure what is most valuable to me. There are many things that are quite important to me, like money, clothes, my family, and things like that. But I guess there is one thing that matters a lot, a lot to me. It's one treasure that is so precious I cannot live on without it. At all. And that treasure (I bet you guessed it), is my life. My life is the most important thing to me, because, without it, I really can't live. Life is very important to me even thougth sometimes it can be hard and horrible, but it's worth it. It is also very precious to me, because that is like the best thing my parents can give me. I't better than a teddy bear, a cell phone, a laptop or a zillion clothes and shoes, or a huge, huge, mansion. My mom went through twelve months of torture just to give me the gift of life! Life is the most important and treasurable thing to me, but there might be things that are even more important to me in the future, something that I'd use my life to defend, but not yet. Right now, life is the most important things to me, and I'll do anything to live on, and enjoy life. After all, I do have a lot of years left! I hope.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Journal Entry 79: My Backround

Everyone’s background is unique. Write down some notes about your own background: where you were born, where you have lived, where you live now, the customs and beliefs of your family, what your parents do, your family history, and anything else you can think of. How do you think your background contributes to who you are today? How does it shape your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward life?

My background is pretty boring, boring, and not detailed at all, because my memory is not quite good. I was born in Taiwan and I've lived in Taipei and Hsinchu. My mom is Christian, but my dad is Buddhist. We visit my dad's family more because, well, my mother's family already passed away. Yeah, all of them. So, my sister and I both know more about Buddhism and we're basically Buddhists, because even though my mom is Christian, she stopped going to the church for some reason. I can speak fluent Madarin and can talk awkwardly and understand Taiwanese, because, from what I've heard, I lived with my grandma for a long time when I was younger (like, really, really young. About a few months, I think.) and I also visit them a lot. My mom and dad are both very strict and also my gradparents and I bet also my great-grandparents. Wow, no wonder I'm annoyed all the time. My family has high expectations and stuff which really bothers me. I think it reallyd does affect who I am today. I may be quite lazy, but I do try my best for things that are very important. I also hate wasting money on really expensive things. I think when I was younger, I never spend a single dollar during the field trips. And my mom always compares how my sis likes to spend money to how I spend, and it's pretty hilarious. I think it was because when I was younger, my family wasn't as great as it is now finacially, so I've always appreciated things. But when my sister came around, we are a little bit better, so she gets to break all the toys I carefully protected when I was her age.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal Entry 78: Style

How would you describe Toni Cade Bambara’s style in “Raymond’s Run”? How would you compare it to the style of Walter Dean Myers in “The Treasure of Lemon Brown”? Discuss at least two elements of style in your analysis (You may have to refer to your textbook, pp. 530-532, or your Holt Reader p. 171).Write a paragraph—at least 200 words—that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details from the story. Be specific.

I think Toni Cade Bambara's style in "Raymond's Run" sounds kind of like a little girl talking, but that is exactly what she wanted to portray in her story because the narrator is a little girl. The style Walter Dean Myers in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" is more grown up and serious. His style is more like that because the story is is talking about a more serious topic, and I actually think it's pretty sad.

Journal Entry 77: Slang

In “Raymond’s Run” Squeaky uses a lot of dialect and slang, as does Lemon Brown in “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” (the next story we will read). For this journal writing entry, write as many slang expressions as you can think of. Write them, and then tell what they mean, and then give an example by using them in a sentence.

I think there are quite a lot of slangs nowadays, but most of them are just shortened words of things. Girls say things like OMG, IKR, and sometimes SAME. Actually, I think it's kind of annoying sometimes. The worst slang of all might be LOL. Lol basically means laugh out loud, but most of the time when people type that to you, it means they think what you just said is not funny at all and just wants to ignore you. There are too much slangs for me to cover, but I like the kinds that help shorten words like simple ones : u, i, yea, kno, tmr, k, and thx or 10x. Okay, so, examples! OMG, I can't believe you just did that. IKR!!! That's so hilar! Mhm, same, that bag is AWFUL. LOL. OMG obviously means oh my god. IKR is I know right?? Hilar is just hilarious. Mhm is the sound u make when you agree to what others are saying. sometimes, with shortened words, you just have to read it out loud, then you'd get it. And, according to How Stuff Words, in the 2000s, the slangs are:
  1. Barney Bag -- a gigantic purse
  2. Newbie -- a newcomer; someone who is inexperienced
  3. Peeps -- friends; people
  4. Rents -- parents
  5. Sweet -- beyond cool
This website is pretty great, because it talks about how the slags change overtime. But I don't think it is very accurate:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Journal Entry 76: Analogy

An analogy is a comparison of two things to show how they are alike. In “Raymond’s Run” Squeaky uses an analogy to compare her state of mind before running a race to having a dream of flying. For this journal entry, think of some activity you do and create an analogy. For example, “Sometimes trying to get eighth-graders to think is like pulling teeth” (because both are very difficult). You can read Squeaky’s analogy on p. 553 for another example. After you write your analogy, explain it. Make sure that you use more than one sentence—remember the 200 word rule!

I think listening to my mom yelling at me is just listening to the sound my computer makes right before it shuts down and I start to bang my computer against the table. My computer is seriously awful, and, honestly, I think maybe it's just because of what I do to it, not because it is not very new. I always shake the computer when it does something I don't like (like shut down by itself or force shut my internet, or when it can't connect to the internet, but all of my friends' computers can). I also press every single key when it doesn't run fast enough or something like that. I just really really hate my computer. I usually listen to music on my computer, and when it shuts down, the music will start to replay the note it was playing again and again really, really loudly. When that happens, I just swear and bang my computer. Listening to my mom yell at me is just like that, but unlike my computer, it wouldn't end for a long time. It can go on for weeks, and even years, depending on what she's yelling about. Also, unlike my computer, I can't hit her or swear at her, because she's my mom, and there's also a dad who punishes me (as in yell even louder or make me face the wall, or something like that). But still, I guess I'm somewhat glad that she yells at me, or else I'd probably be like some retarded student who doesn't do anything (I think I was like that in 2nd grade for some reason, sadly).

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Journal Entry 75: Fighting Words

In “Raymond’s Run,” Squeaky talks about defending her brother, and even getting into fights over things people say about him. Do you think that words are important enough to fight about? Have you ever gotten into an argument or fight because of something someone said about you or about someone you cared about? Is it ever necessary to fight or use violence or threats to defend yourself or someone else? Would you fight to defend your brother, sister, or close friend from another person’s words?

I think words are definitely important enough to fight about. People can be devastated and lose their will to live just because of some harsh words. You may call them a wimp, but still, words can sometimes do even more damage than physically hurting someone. I have gotten into quite a few arguments because of things people say. The major ones usually happen with other girls who are mean and jealous. Jealous girls can say some pretty hurtful things. It's not necessary to use violence and threats just to defend ourselves when other people say mean things to us. The best way to defend ourselves is to think of something even meaner to say to them, embarrass them, secretly plot their downfall, or, if you really can't think of anything else and you have witnesses, you can sue the person. I would start a "war" with someone just because of what they say (not once, but repeatedly). By war, I don't mean real wars, you know, not the ones with weapons and dying, just not talking to each other, glaring, and stuff (ha ha, I just realized that is kind of immature). I really hate it when others say bad things about people I care about, especially if they say it in their (or my) face, because that is just stupid (there are cameras in lots of places and people too who might turn into witnesses) and extremely mean. If their insults are actually legit, then I might not be as angry, but if some particular person hates me just because we share the same name (and that was before she even knew me, for heaven sake) I would ignore that person and doubt that person's intelligence and logic. And hate that person more. Then, eventually, a "war" would start because of the person's weird logic and her love of trying to break friends apart and make them bully ad particular person then fail tragically. In the end, just remember, bullies, if your victims don't get you, karma will. Because karma's a b*tch! (says Gossip Girl ;)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journal Entry 74: Below The Surface

Squeaky, the narrator of “Raymond’s Run,” is a tough, smart, funny, streetwise girl with strong opinions. She thinks she can tell what other people are like just from the way they look and talk. Like many of us, so sometimes forgets that there’s much more to people that what appears on the surface. Have you ever been surprised to discover something new about someone? Have you ever felt that you have been judged by someone else by what they see on the surface? How did that make you feel?

I think first impressions are never very accurate, and that's why I just use first impressions as a referance, not absolute. I think I have been quite surprised by some of the things I found out people have done. I never thought they would, but I was only surprised because of other things, but not because of how the person acted so differently from my first impressions of them. I think I thought that person looked nice and has good humor, but instead, she was pretty awful and is a very mean person. She hates people for no reason at all. We were best friends before but after I found out something about her, I hated her and avoided her ever since. I think I have been judge by someone based on what they see on the surface. I don't really think it makes me real mad or anything. Just makes me think they're really silly and stupid for thinking I'm that kind of person. And, I love proving them wrong and make them shocked. Oh, and I've also thought a girl who looked kind of nerdy and annoying was not my type of friend, but turns out she was really nice and kind, so we became pretty good friends.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Journal Entry 73: OOPS!

Write a brief narrative about an incident in your life in which a first impression turned out to be wrong or someone you though you knew well did something that surprised you. Explain what happened during this incident and why this incident is important to you.

Well. In fifth grade, our class had this new student who transferred PAS, actually. She was really white and not so pretty. But, I was nice to her anyways because I thought she was pretty nice. We became best friends and told each other everything and hung out all the time. We gossiped, schemed, talked back to teachers, trade books, talked about boys, and made each other friendship bracelets. We were besties and then another girl joined our little "group". Things were still pretty good, and we played games and threw paper with mean stuff on them to people we hate. Soon, fifth grade ended and we happily said bye to each other and promised each other we'd bring gifts from out summer break for each other. When summer ended, I was so excited to see my best friend and talk about what happened to her during the summer. Then we kind of stopped talking to each other because of a really mean note she sent me and yeah well, it was really awful and stuff. She and the other girl became best friends and were really mean to me. I wasn't that stupid and easily bullied, so I made new friends and yeah, (IN THEIR FACES, just kidding) I learned that some people just can't be trusted, and I learned that the hard way. Now, I learned how to judge people carefully and my current friends are all super awesome!

Oh, and by the way, that girl I talked about? The first one was MELISSA, and the other one was JOHANNA.
Yeah, so, Melissa and Johanna, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I HATE YOU!!! :D haha.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Journal Entry 72: My Tell-Tale Ending

Think about how the story “The Tell-Tale Heart” ends. For most readers it is surprising that the narrator confesses that he murdered the old man. For this journal, assume the role of the narrator and write your own ending starting just after the narrator says “…louder! louder! louder! louder!”

Okay, so here's my ending for the Tell-Tale Heart. I'm not usually the kind of person who likes bloody stuff, but for some reason, this is the first ending I thought of...:

Louder! Louder! Louder! Louder! LOUDER! Dear God!!! "I can not take this anymore! Get out, get out! I said GET OUT!", I yelled loudly at the officers. The officers looked at me with suspicion and started to leave. I tried my best to ignoring the horrible sound and smiled weakly at them, "sorry, I haven't been feeling well lately. I should probably go see a doctor or something..." The officers nodded and told me to go see a doctor soon. As soon as the officers are gone, I shut all the doors and windows, scared that the neighbors would also hear the horrible beating of the old man's heart. Thud, thud, thud, thud... His heart keeps on beating and beating. How is that possible?! I already dislocated his arms and legs and head! How can his heart keep on beating?!?!?! Oh my, is it his soul? Screaming for revenge? Thud, thud, thud, THUD, THUD, THUD... The more I thought about it, the louder his heart seem to be beating. It seems to be yelling, "How can you do this to me? I shall cut off your legs as you did mine. Pull off your murderous arms and cut off your fingers one by one. And then, I shall behead you and pour your blood into the tub as you did mine!!!". The old man kept saying horrible, horrible things. Why, with the vulture eye gone, how can he still so haunting and unbelievably scary. Make it stop! Make him stop! STOP!!!! The voice keeps on taunting me and taunting me. At last, I had no choice but to tried to end this misery by shutting my ears and stopping my heart so I can free myself from this pain. There was no suitable weapon anywhere though! I smashed the huge pane of glass on the old man's wall, and grabbed a jagged piece from the pile of glass. Slowly, the voice starts to fade out as my blood pour out and the carpet slowly turning red. And then, silence.

Oh my god, that was the creepiest thing I've ever written (oooh, and that's so dramatic!). I'm going to have nightmares...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Journal Entry 71: Hints and Foreshadowing

“The Tell-Tale Heart” has a strong sense of dramatic irony: the narrator keeps claiming to be sane, but the reader become increasingly certain that he is insane. What details give you clues or hints that he is insane? How does the opening paragraph foreshadow the events that will happen later in the story? Can you describe the overall feeling or mood of the story?

We can tell that the narrator is crazy because he keeps on talking to himself. He also wants to kill someone just because he thought that person's eye is like a vulture's and makes his blood cold. He also ENJOYS cutting off hands and legs of a corpse, and laughs when he talks about how he's so smart that he dumped the old man's blood into a tub. The opening paragraph foreshadows the events that happens later on in the story by showing us how mad the narrator really is. The narrator also talks about how he can hear things from heaven and hell, which foreshadows that his "hearing abilities" might make him go even madder. He also talks about how nervous he was, and since we know he is pretty much the craziest guy I've ever heard of, he is probably planning to do something so horrible that even a mad man can be nervous about. The overall feeling or mood of the story is probably just creepy and disgusting (the killing part and bloody things). I just basically makes me want to first scream and then puke. This story is also very suspenseful, and keeps the readers on edge. So, even though this story disgusts and scares me, it's interesting enough to keep me entertained and reading.