Friday, May 18, 2012

Journal Entry 79: My Backround

Everyone’s background is unique. Write down some notes about your own background: where you were born, where you have lived, where you live now, the customs and beliefs of your family, what your parents do, your family history, and anything else you can think of. How do you think your background contributes to who you are today? How does it shape your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward life?

My background is pretty boring, boring, and not detailed at all, because my memory is not quite good. I was born in Taiwan and I've lived in Taipei and Hsinchu. My mom is Christian, but my dad is Buddhist. We visit my dad's family more because, well, my mother's family already passed away. Yeah, all of them. So, my sister and I both know more about Buddhism and we're basically Buddhists, because even though my mom is Christian, she stopped going to the church for some reason. I can speak fluent Madarin and can talk awkwardly and understand Taiwanese, because, from what I've heard, I lived with my grandma for a long time when I was younger (like, really, really young. About a few months, I think.) and I also visit them a lot. My mom and dad are both very strict and also my gradparents and I bet also my great-grandparents. Wow, no wonder I'm annoyed all the time. My family has high expectations and stuff which really bothers me. I think it reallyd does affect who I am today. I may be quite lazy, but I do try my best for things that are very important. I also hate wasting money on really expensive things. I think when I was younger, I never spend a single dollar during the field trips. And my mom always compares how my sis likes to spend money to how I spend, and it's pretty hilarious. I think it was because when I was younger, my family wasn't as great as it is now finacially, so I've always appreciated things. But when my sister came around, we are a little bit better, so she gets to break all the toys I carefully protected when I was her age.

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