Sunday, May 13, 2012

Journal Entry 76: Analogy

An analogy is a comparison of two things to show how they are alike. In “Raymond’s Run” Squeaky uses an analogy to compare her state of mind before running a race to having a dream of flying. For this journal entry, think of some activity you do and create an analogy. For example, “Sometimes trying to get eighth-graders to think is like pulling teeth” (because both are very difficult). You can read Squeaky’s analogy on p. 553 for another example. After you write your analogy, explain it. Make sure that you use more than one sentence—remember the 200 word rule!

I think listening to my mom yelling at me is just listening to the sound my computer makes right before it shuts down and I start to bang my computer against the table. My computer is seriously awful, and, honestly, I think maybe it's just because of what I do to it, not because it is not very new. I always shake the computer when it does something I don't like (like shut down by itself or force shut my internet, or when it can't connect to the internet, but all of my friends' computers can). I also press every single key when it doesn't run fast enough or something like that. I just really really hate my computer. I usually listen to music on my computer, and when it shuts down, the music will start to replay the note it was playing again and again really, really loudly. When that happens, I just swear and bang my computer. Listening to my mom yell at me is just like that, but unlike my computer, it wouldn't end for a long time. It can go on for weeks, and even years, depending on what she's yelling about. Also, unlike my computer, I can't hit her or swear at her, because she's my mom, and there's also a dad who punishes me (as in yell even louder or make me face the wall, or something like that). But still, I guess I'm somewhat glad that she yells at me, or else I'd probably be like some retarded student who doesn't do anything (I think I was like that in 2nd grade for some reason, sadly).

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