Sunday, May 6, 2012

Journal Entry 73: OOPS!

Write a brief narrative about an incident in your life in which a first impression turned out to be wrong or someone you though you knew well did something that surprised you. Explain what happened during this incident and why this incident is important to you.

Well. In fifth grade, our class had this new student who transferred PAS, actually. She was really white and not so pretty. But, I was nice to her anyways because I thought she was pretty nice. We became best friends and told each other everything and hung out all the time. We gossiped, schemed, talked back to teachers, trade books, talked about boys, and made each other friendship bracelets. We were besties and then another girl joined our little "group". Things were still pretty good, and we played games and threw paper with mean stuff on them to people we hate. Soon, fifth grade ended and we happily said bye to each other and promised each other we'd bring gifts from out summer break for each other. When summer ended, I was so excited to see my best friend and talk about what happened to her during the summer. Then we kind of stopped talking to each other because of a really mean note she sent me and yeah well, it was really awful and stuff. She and the other girl became best friends and were really mean to me. I wasn't that stupid and easily bullied, so I made new friends and yeah, (IN THEIR FACES, just kidding) I learned that some people just can't be trusted, and I learned that the hard way. Now, I learned how to judge people carefully and my current friends are all super awesome!

Oh, and by the way, that girl I talked about? The first one was MELISSA, and the other one was JOHANNA.
Yeah, so, Melissa and Johanna, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I HATE YOU!!! :D haha.


  1. I know!!!! I think Melissa is "meaner" than Joanna because they talk something bad about me IN MY FACE!!!! After I heard that, I do all the things in our group. I feels really bad that someone said something bad IN MY FACE because it's really kind of stupid and I think they are stupid :P

  2. Yea... I did met that kind of person, but that kind of thing did not happen on me; it's happen on other people. I do not really care about them because they treat my best friend really bad. Hahaha I like the ending~ :D that's so cool!!
