Friday, May 25, 2012

Journal Entry 81: In Defense of My Treasure

In Walter Dean Myers’s story “The Treasure of Lemon Brown,” Lemon Brown risks his life to defend a few items that would be of no value to anyone else. Why do you think he did that? What would you do to protect your treasure? Is there some point at which you would surrender your treasure? What point would that be?

I think Lemon Brown risked his own life to protect items that would be no value to anyone else because those items means even more than his life to him. Even though some people may not understand how such items that seem so insignificant can mean so much to the old man, it means the world to him. I think it also reminds him of his own son who died in the war. His son really meant a lot to him, and he loved him very much, maybe even more than he loved his life. That's why he would protect it with his life. Me, on the other hand, will do ANYTHING to protect my treasure. Because, like I said in my last journal entry, my treasure is my life, and I don't have enything to live for once I lose it... since I can't live without it, literally. I believe there might be some point at which I might surrender my treasure, and that must be when the whole world is meaningless and all my loved ones died or something like that. But, hopefully, that won't happen anytime soon. I think sometimes life may seem really hard and some people think about ending it themselves, but if we just get through it, things will always be better. So, I will not give my my treasure, life, easily. If I MUST lose it, I'd go down FIGHTING for it!

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