Thursday, May 10, 2012

Journal Entry 75: Fighting Words

In “Raymond’s Run,” Squeaky talks about defending her brother, and even getting into fights over things people say about him. Do you think that words are important enough to fight about? Have you ever gotten into an argument or fight because of something someone said about you or about someone you cared about? Is it ever necessary to fight or use violence or threats to defend yourself or someone else? Would you fight to defend your brother, sister, or close friend from another person’s words?

I think words are definitely important enough to fight about. People can be devastated and lose their will to live just because of some harsh words. You may call them a wimp, but still, words can sometimes do even more damage than physically hurting someone. I have gotten into quite a few arguments because of things people say. The major ones usually happen with other girls who are mean and jealous. Jealous girls can say some pretty hurtful things. It's not necessary to use violence and threats just to defend ourselves when other people say mean things to us. The best way to defend ourselves is to think of something even meaner to say to them, embarrass them, secretly plot their downfall, or, if you really can't think of anything else and you have witnesses, you can sue the person. I would start a "war" with someone just because of what they say (not once, but repeatedly). By war, I don't mean real wars, you know, not the ones with weapons and dying, just not talking to each other, glaring, and stuff (ha ha, I just realized that is kind of immature). I really hate it when others say bad things about people I care about, especially if they say it in their (or my) face, because that is just stupid (there are cameras in lots of places and people too who might turn into witnesses) and extremely mean. If their insults are actually legit, then I might not be as angry, but if some particular person hates me just because we share the same name (and that was before she even knew me, for heaven sake) I would ignore that person and doubt that person's intelligence and logic. And hate that person more. Then, eventually, a "war" would start because of the person's weird logic and her love of trying to break friends apart and make them bully ad particular person then fail tragically. In the end, just remember, bullies, if your victims don't get you, karma will. Because karma's a b*tch! (says Gossip Girl ;)

1 comment:

  1. So true~!!
    I think there are some girls(who think they area really pretty)in "somewhere" said something that is really hurting words. They always said something behind our back.
    Anyways, Good Job Janet!! :)))
